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Account Director 客户总监
28000-30000元 上海静安区 应届毕业生 大专
Account Director 客户总监
28000-30000元 上海静安区 应届毕业生 大专
该职位应具有体验营销及零售营销经验,能准确了解客户需求,具备提案、协调能力和推广技能,熟悉整合营销全案,有效保证客户品牌项目的顺利实施。 This position should have shopper experiential marketing experience, be able to accurately understand customer needs, have proposal, coordination and promotion skills, be familiar with integrated marketing to effectively ensure the smooth implementation of customer brand projects. 1. 深入了解行业情况,熟悉体验营销全链路,为客户提供战略性整合营销解决方案; 2. 参与部门发展规划讨论,完成团队工作规划、业务管理,并领导团队达成目标; 3. 具有较强的业务分析技巧,以及较强的业务计划能力,推进项目顺利执行,维护客户关系; 4. 制定基于客户和购物者洞察的有效市场活动方案,提升业绩和盈利能力。 5. 对团队的工作内容进行把关,保证产出内容的质量和时效性,能够保证项目的顺利进行; 6. 负责项目的商务流程进度把控,协调各方关系,完成团队业绩。 1. In-depth understanding of the industry, familiar with the whole link of experience marketing, to provide customers with strategic integrated marketing solutions; 2. Participate in department development planning discussions, complete teamwork planning and business management, and lead the team to achieve goals; 3. Strong business analysis skills and business planning ability to promote the smooth implementation of projects and maintain customer relations; 4. Develop effective marketing programs based on customer and shopper insights to improve performance and profitability. 5. Check the work content of the team, ensure the quality and timeliness of the output content, and ensure the smooth progress of the project; 6. Responsible for controlling the progress of the business process of the project, coordinating the relationship between all parties and accomplishing the team performance. 1、Age 年龄范围:28-38years 28-38 岁 2、Degree And Professional certificate 学历专业及专业证书:college degree or above 大专或以上 3、Work Experience 工作经验:Minimun 6 years experience in account management 6年客户管理经验 4、Professional skills 专业技能: * Excellent creative proposal capabilities 具备优秀的创意提案能力 * Account management experience in the consumer goods industry (food, beverage, beauty) is preferred 具有消费品行业(食品、饮料、美妆)客户项目管理经验优先 5、Comprehensive quality (personality and ability) 综合素质(性格特征及能力素质): * Attention to detail, strong sense of responsibility, high level of execution, results-oriented, team collaborators 注重细节,责任心强,高度的执行能力,结果导向,团队协作者 6、Others其它: * 良好的沟通能力,语言表达技能,危机应变能力,可用英文作为工作语言。Good interpersonal skills, language skills, and strain ability,can use English as the working language.
地址:上海静安区上海上海市静安区恒丰路399号达邦协作广场 WPP Campus
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